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If you have stumble upon this page, you will now be given the secrets to escape a Documentation and roam around Mcconnell Hall Freely.

Resident Assistant On Call (RAOC)[edit | edit source]

Everyday, there is an RAOC in the hall to solve problems like a toilet, fires, and quiet hours. Every RA has a day that is given to them at around the end of the month. To identify which RA will be the most troublesome, simply glance at the front desk at around 5:00PM and there is a sign that is changed at 5:00PM. Also they usually walk around with a red backpack given to them by admin.

RAOC Shifts[edit | edit source]

The RAOC of the day is active between 5:00PM to 7:00AM the next day. However what you must keep in mind is when the RAOC starts to patrol the hallways to get away with the most mischevious pranks. They can be called by the front desk to respond to any shenanigans via a special flip phone.

The RAOC rounds

5:00PM - The RAOC will start patrolling the outside of the dormitory. The RAOC is typically supposed to pick up the outdoor trash. After outdoor rounds are done. The RAOC can study or be in their own room until 8:00PM The Safe zone would be at 5:00PM while they are outside of the buidling.

8:00PM- This is when quiet hour documentation can begin, but depending on the RA, you may get off until 12:00AM. At 8:00PM, The RA will start walking around the entire dormitory make sure certain doors are locked. It depends on which RA, on which floor they may start from. This round is usually done within 30 minutes or an hour depending on fast or slow the RA walks. The safe zone for hijinx would ideally be 9:00-10:00PM. 8:00PM to 11:00PM is where the RAOC will also remain at the front desk/first floor after their 8:00PM patrol has been completed.

12:00AM - An hour after room checks is where most RAs would start handing out documentation. This round is the same as the 8:00PM one, but they must take out the trash from all trash cans on the first floor. This round will typically take anywhere between an 30 minutes to 1 hour. The safe zone from the RA on the weekdays would be at 2:00AM. You can make alot of noise, but you have to be careful of neighboring RAs or other students call the front desk, because the RA can be sent out during safe zones.

On weekends the rounds are typically the same but with modifications: 5:00Pm is the the same: 8:00PM round is done at 10:00PM and 12:00AM is done at 2:00AM.

The safe zones are usually an hour added, because an RA would rarely spend over an hour patrolling the halls.

Moves to pull to escape documentations[edit | edit source]

The following are strategies, that can be used against RAs to escape a quiet hour documenations or just mess with them.

  1. The Shared bathroom switcharoo.
    1. If your in a room that shares a bathroom with another room, you can employ the following strategy. If you get loud and the RAOC or another RA knocks. You can simply run into the bathroom and emerge into the adjacent room to seek refuge from. A person or two can be left behind in the room to answer the door and take the quiet hour docmentations. However if you want to really take a risk, the entire group can go through the bathroom. This must be done calmly in order to not tip the RA off. Once you reach the room, you must listen for the RA to unlock the door or open it to peer inside. Once the RA enters the empty room, it is from there you can choose to leave the room and walk past while the RA is inside or remain in the room staying silent until the RA leaves the floor. Additionally you can use the sleeping manuver in number 2 in the adjacent room to truly fool proof this plan. If the Ra knocks in the adjacent room.
  2. "Sorry they all fell asleep" gaslight manuever
    1. An RA usually needs an ID and ID cannot be given if your "asleep". If your in a big group talking in the middle of the night. You can employ the following manuever.When you hear the RAOC knock, quickly pretend to fall asleep in the nearest bed or the floor and have a blanket ready if your a really bad actor. You can have a person be the fall guy and answer the door. Normally you cant get a documentation while sleeping, but it depends on wheter you fooled the RA or not. If they are suspsicious and know you personally you can still recieve one, but you have deniablity to get it removed by Jboard since you were "asleep". If a fall guy is not picked and everyone chooses to fall asleep, everyone must be committed to staying asleep as the RA knocks on the door. The RA has a master key to enter any rooms in the dormitory. When the RA enters, everyone must stay asleep, other wise the entire room may get an uncompliance documentation. If the RA tries to wake you , you must stay committed to the role and act confused. Than pull a uno reverse and be like are you allowed to walk in like this, we werent doing anything? You can bring up talking with Russ or a Hall Director to scare the RAOC out of the room. The RAOC should not be "waking" people up, so that gives you extra ammunition against them!
  3. Weird out the RA evasive manuever
    1. This can be coordinated amongst a group. The key to this plan is to acting strange, but comply with the RA. This may not work, but you can have funny JBoard session.
    2. protocol 1: When the RAOC knocks, Everyone in the room must stay silent and only nod your heads to give your answers and shoulder shrugs. Proceed to give ID if asked. Remain silents and if you are thrteaned with a serious docmentation for not talking, you can whisper and say we are in the middle of a religious ceremony or want to stay extra silent. Or stay silent, because you cant get in trouble for not talking
    3. Protocol 2: As you let the RA in, Everyone must stare and smile at the RA and say nothing. One person will be talking to the RA and continue smiling as the RA explains why they are in the room.
    4. Protocol 3: Everyone act like a silent chicken as the RA enters the room.
    5. protocol 4: Have everyone line up behind the door standing in T pose position and have the first person to answer.
  4. HIDE
    1. Calmly hide in a closet, under the bed, under the desk or private bathroom. You can also employ the sleeping strategy and say you were trying to sleep due to the noise being made and have extra ammunition against the RA if they wake you up.

The key to these strategies are remaining calm and coordinating with your friends to fool the RAOC. Using messenger to notify your friends will be helpful especially if the RA is notorious for docking. Remember you can always check who the RAOC is by checking the front desk at 5:00PM. However another RA can give documentations if they feel like it, but maybe more declined to in favor of letting the RAOC do all the work.