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The TAMS Historical Awareness Society (THAS) is a committee under [[Fellowship for the Advancement of Cultural Education of Students|FACES]] dedicated to the dissemination of historical knowledge to the TAMS community. The committee was founded by [[Puranjay Shori]], [[Eeshan Joshi]], and [[Nathaniel Brown]] in Fallmester 2019. [[Hunter Anderson]] later joined the committee as a committee head.

Puranjay initially intended it on being a [[Advised Clubs|club in its own right;]] however, his plans were foiled, and he had to relinquish control to FACES in exchange for the committee's establishment. He got his revenge, however, upon becoming a FACES Executive, which allowed him to bestow nepotistic favoritism to the club.

=== Logo ===
[[File:THAS Cover Image.jpg|thumb|THAS Facebook Cover Photo 2019-2021]]
The THAS logo is emblematic of a Roman ''[[wikipedia:Vexillum|vexillum]]'', the flag-like object borne by the Roman military on military crusades. In [[Nathaniel Brown]]'s opinion, it is the best logo of any TAMS club/committee, and alone serves to justify the committee's perpetuation unto eternity.

=== Events ===

==== Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat Cakes" ====
Regarded as one of the most entertaining fundraisers in TAMS history, THAS raised over $100 for some charity by selling mini-cakes with a severed printed head of [[wikipedia:Marie_Antoinette|Marie Antoinette]], the last queen of France, who famously uttered [[wikipedia:Let_them_eat_cake|the insensitive phrase]] that contributed to the French Revolution.


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