Ramen Bath

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TAMS Disciplinary Sanction Update to Greg Heartsfield
TAMS Disciplinary Sanction Update to Greg Heartsfield

On September 24th, 1999, several first-year students including Greg Heartsfield (01') had the brilliant idea of buying a large quantity of Ramen and filling the bathtub of Room 334 with noodles and flavoring. They also prepared actual, edible ramen and took photos eating the edible ramen next to the ramen bath. Afterwards, they left the tub full of ramen for others to see, which brought the attention of RA Jason Ford and led to the documentation of the students involved. However, after Greg explained to Russ, with sincerity, the precautions involved with planning the ramen bath, it was agreed upon that no documentation points would be assigned. Additionally, the students involved agreed to clean A300 and B300 for the rest of the week.

This story goes down in TAMS history as one of the most infamous events ever.

See also[edit | edit source]