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Though there have been halfhearted attempts at establishing well-defined committee head roles for each committee head of THAS, these all failed miserably.  
Though there have been halfhearted attempts at establishing well-defined committee head roles for each committee head of THAS, these all failed miserably.  
=== Events ===
== Events ==
==== Opening GA ====
==== Opening GA ====

Revision as of 15:58, 25 February 2021

The TAMS Historical Awareness Society (THAS) is a committee under FACES dedicated to the dissemination of historical knowledge to the TAMS community. It was founded by Puranjay Shori, Eeshan Joshi, and Nathaniel Brown in the Fall semester of 2019. Hunter Anderson later joined the committee as a committee head.

THAS Facebook Cover Photo 2019-2021

Puranjay initially intended it on being a club in its own right; however, his plans were foiled, and he had to relinquish control to FACES in exchange for the committee's establishment. He got his revenge, however, upon becoming a FACES Executive, which allowed him to bestow nepotistic favoritism to the club. THAS's eventual goal is to become a premier Advised Club, with FACES as one of its subcommittees.

The THAS logo is emblematic of a Roman vexillum, the flag-like object borne by the Roman military on military crusades. In Nathaniel Brown's opinion, it is the best logo of any TAMS club/committee, and alone serves to justify the committee's perpetuation unto eternity.

Committee Head Roles

Though there have been halfhearted attempts at establishing well-defined committee head roles for each committee head of THAS, these all failed miserably.


Opening GA

A Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat Cake," with a portion of Eeshan's hand in the background. A scrumptious delight enjoyed by many.

Attended by many in the Class of 2021, the introductory GA featured the song Rednecker than You by Hardy, in reference to Hunter and Nathaniel's Caucasian heritage. The GA was a smashing hit, which can largely be attributed to Puranjay's influence in the class's popular culture.

Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat Cakes"

Regarded as one of the most entertaining fundraisers in TAMS history, THAS raised over $100 for some charity by selling mini-cakes with a severed printed head of Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France, who famously uttered the insensitive phrase that contributed to the French Revolution.

Current Events Meeting—the "Fatal Meeting"

Several people, including Anthony Zhou, Zach Tang, Abigail McDonald, Gia-Uyen Tran, and Temi, attended what has become known as the "fatal meeting," a discussion of current events held by THAS in February 2020. In it, COVID-19 was discussed. Eeshan explained that rather than the "coronavirus," the virus should be known as its proper name, COVID-19, and participants theorized as to the extent to which the virus would shape the months to come. Little did they know that this was the last in-person THAS meeting until the Great Comeback.