TAMS Students are not mechanics

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Once upon a time in the spring of 2023, just a week before graduation Baanu TAMS resident goober had gotten one of the more funnier documentations of the year. Baanu was a man of many talents and one of those talents landed him in trouble.

It all started with a trip to the dining hall CHAMPS to celebrate a days of hardwork before Finals week. The guys and Baanu asked one of the more chill RAs to drive them and that RA for some reason liked driving kids in a white ford pick up truck given by the university. As that truck, happened to be one of the more "better" means of transport in TAMS. After they finished their meal, the RA sent Baanu and friends back to the truck to wait for him as he himself waited for 2 students who walked to CHAMPS and would give them a ride back to the dormitory. When Baanu and Friends reached the truck, Baanu decided to hop in the back of the pick up and invited the rest of the guys to sit with him. What happened next was in short was completely Baanus fault 100%.

Baanu decided to start shaking the back of the pick up truck and jumping on it to make it go up and down. The RA saw all this as he was walking back to the car. At first the RA motioned for all the boys to get off the truck. Everyone got off, except Baanu. The RA yelled at Baanu to stop shaking the car, but bro kept shaking her. Than finally bro heard the RA scream and finally got off. The RA asked what had gotten into Baanu and Baanu told him that "I was testing the suspensions bro". It was an awkward car ride as the RA decided to give Baanu a big documentation and Baanu the legend he is. Thought "Oh I can take the points". As of record, he could not take the points. The next day, Baanu realized he had 100 pts. Baanu in a sense was kicked of TAMS, but he was still allowed to finish up his classes from home. Since it was the very end of the school year. Legend has it, Baanu still tries to test the suspension of random cars in his new school.