Emmanuel Roy

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aka Emoo

Emmanuel Roy

Class of 2023
Wing(s) B (11th), A (12th) Wing
Roommate(s) Harish Jawahar
Track Computer Science and Mathematics
Pathway Computer Science Pathway
Prior High School Coppell High School

Usually hanging out with friends, reading books, playing video games, eating at bruce, at the pool, or studying.

Won TAMS Hottest Faces 2022! (Spice Eating Competition)

Makes the best juice combinations at TAMS. (EMOO JUICE WWWWW)

"Roy and the boy's!" (Feat. The Pink Suit, Bunny Hat, and Xanadu Armbrust)

TAMS Rosecutting Speaker!

Attending UT ECE now! (or by August 2023 at least)

Executive Positions + Committee Heads

  • Ballot Director of Competitions
  • TBO Business Education Committee Head
  • TAMS Historical Awareness Society Committee Head