Engineering Track

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The TAMS Engineering curricula allows students to pursue a variety of academic fields. Each pathway contains detailed information about its curriculum, including course descriptions, and each pathway can become a “2+2” degree program for TAMS student who remain at the University of North Texas to earn a baccalaureate degree.

Note: TAMS students who choose any of these pathways are NOT obligated to remain at UNT to complete their degree; students may simply complete the TAMS program and then move on to their next educational institution.

Construction Engineering Technology Pathway

Fall 1 Spring 1
*Pre-Calculus (MATH 1650) or

Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

5 hours

4 hours

3 hours

3 hours

Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

4 hours

3 hours

3 hours

General Chemistry (CHEM 1410) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1413)

3 hours General Chemistry (CHEM 1420) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1423)

3 hours
General Chemistry Lab (CHEM 1430) 1 hour General Chemistry Lab (CHEM 1440) 1 hour
Writing about Literature I (ENGL 1315) 3 hours Writing about Literature II (ENGL 1325) 3 hours
Construction Methods and Materials (CNET 1160) 3 hours Technological Systems (ENGR 1030) 3 hours
Fall 2 Spring 2
Mechanics (PHYS 1710) 3 hours Electricity and Magnetism (PHYS 2220) 3 hours
Mechanics Lab (PHYS 1730) 1 hour Electricity and Magnetism Lab (PHYS 2240) 1 hour
World Literature (ENGL 2331) 3 hour Technical Writing (TECM 2700) 3 hours
US History to 1865 (HIST 2610) 3 hours US History from 1865 (HIST 2620) 3 hours
Building Construction Techniques (CNET 2180) 3 hours US Political Behavior & Policy (PSCI 2305) or

US and Texas Constitutions & Institutions (PSCI 2306)

3 hours
Construction Graphics and Modeling (CNET 2300) 3 hours Statics (ENGR 2301) 3 hours

* Students who place into Pre-Calculus (MATH 1650) must take Calculus II (MATH 1720) over the summer between Spring 1 and Fall 2.

Electrical Engineering Pathway

Fall 1 Spring 1
*Pre-Calculus (MATH 1650) or

Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

5 hours

4 hours

3 hours

3 hours

Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

4 hours

3 hours

3 hours

General Chemistry (CHEM 1410) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1413)

3 hours General Chemistry (CHEM 1420) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1423)

3 hours
General Chemistry Lab (CHEM 1430) 1 hour General Chemistry Lab (CHEM 1440) 1 hour
Writing about Literature I (ENGL 1315) 3 hours Writing about Literature II (ENGL 1325) 3 hours
Computer Science I w/ Lab (CSCE 1030) 4 hours Introduction to Electrical Engineering (EENG 1910) 3 hours
Fall 2 Spring 2
Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730) 3 hours Differential Equations I (MATH 3410) 3 hours
Mechanics (PHYS 1710) 3 hours Electricity and Magnetism (PHYS 2220) 3 hours
Mechanics Lab (PHYS 1730) 1 hour Electricity and Magnetism Lab (PHYS 2240) 1 hour
World Literature (ENGL 2331) 3 hours Technical Writing (TECM 2700) 3 hours
US History to 1865 (HIST 2610) 3 hours US History from 1865 (HIST 2620) 3 hours
Digital Logic Design (EENG 2710) 3 hours US Political Behavior & Policy (PSCI 2305) or

US and Texas Constitutions & Institutions (PSCI 2306)

3 hours
Digital Logic Design Lab (EENG 2711) 1 hour

* Students who place into Pre-Calculus (MATH 1650) must take Calculus II (MATH 1720) over the summer between Spring 1 and Fall 2.

Materials Science and Engineering Pathway

Fall 1 Spring 1
*Pre-Calculus (MATH 1650) or

Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

4 hours *Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

3 hours
General Chemistry (CHEM 1410) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1413)

3 hours General Chemistry (CHEM 1420) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1423)

3 hours
General Chemistry Lab (CHEM 1430) 1 hour General Chemistry Lab (CHEM 1440) 1 hour
Writing about Literature I (ENGL 1315) 3 hours Writing about Literature II (ENGL 1325) 3 hours
Discover How and Why Materials "Matter" (MTSE 1100) 3 hours Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering - I (MTSE 3000) 3 hours
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory (MTSE 3003) 1 hours
Fall 2 Spring 2
Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730) 3 hours MATH 3410 3 hours
Mechanics (PHYS 1710) 3 hours Electricity and Magnetism (PHYS 2220) 3 hours
Mechanics Lab (PHYS 1730) 1 hour Electricity and Magnetism Lab (PHYS 2240) 1 hour
World Literature (ENGL 2331) 3 hours Technical Writing (TECM 2700) 3 hours
US History to 1865 (HIST 2610) 3 hours US History from 1865 (HIST 2620) 3 hours
Bonding and Structure (MTSE 3010) 3 hours US Political Behavior & Policy (PSCI 2305) or

US and Texas Constitutions & Institutions (PSCI 2306)

3 hours

*For students who place into MATH 1650 Precalculus their first semester at TAMS, these students MUST take MATH 1720 Calculus II during the Summer between Year One and Year Two.

Mechanical and Energy Engineering Pathway

Fall 1 Spring 1
*Pre-Calculus (MATH 1650) or

Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

4 hours *Calculus I (MATH 1710) or

Calculus II (MATH 1720) or

Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)

3 hours
General Chemistry (CHEM 1410) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1413)

3 hours General Chemistry (CHEM 1420) or

Honors General Chemistry (CHEM 1423)

3 hours
CHEM 1430 lab 1 hour General Chemistry Lab (CHEM 1440) 1 hours
Writing about Literature I (ENGL 1315) 3 hours Writing about Literature II (ENGL 1325) 3 hours
Discover Mechanical and Energy Engineering (MEEN 1000) 3 hours Engineering Graphics (ENGR 1304) 3 hours
Fall 2 Spring 2
MATH 2730 3 hours PHYS 2220 3 hours
PHYS 1710 3 hours PHYS 2240 lab 1 hours
PHYS 1730 lab 1 hour TECM 2700 3 hours
ENGL 2331 3 hours HIST  2620 3 hours
HIST 2610 3 hours PSCI 2305 or 2306 3 hours
MTSE 3000 3 hours MATH 2700 3 hours
MTSE lab 1 hour MEEN 2301 3 hours

*For students who place into MATH 1650 Precalculus their first semester at TAMS, these students MUST take MATH 1720 Calculus II during the Summer between Year One and Year Two.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Fall 1 Spring 1
*MATH 1710 4 hours *MATH 1720 3 hours
ENGL 1315 3 hours ENGL 1325 3 hours
CSCE 1030 4 hours ENGR 1030 3 hours
CHEM 1410 3 hours CHEM 1420 3 hours
CHEM 1430 lab 1 hour CHEM 1440 lab 1 hours
Elective 1-4 hours
Fall 2 Spring 2
PHYS 1710 3 hours PHYS 2220 3 hours
PHYS 1730 lab 1 hour PHYS 2240 lab 1 hours
ENGL 2331 3 hours TECM 2700 3 hours
HIST 2610 3 hours HIST  2620 3 hours
ENGR 1304 3 hours PSCI 2305 or 2306 3 hours
PSCI 2305 or 2306 3 hours ENGR 2301 3 hours

*For students who place into MATH 1650 Precalculus their first semester at TAMS, these students MUST take MATH 1720 Calculus II during the Summer between Year One and Year Two.

See also