Zhuoli Xie

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A dude who speaks in "piddling gobbledygook".

Zhuoli Xie

Class of 2022
Wing(s) Wingstop Drive thru
Track Computer Science + Computer Engineering
Prior High School Middle School Affiliated to Guangzhou University, HEMC Campus
Nickname(s) Johnny
Known for gobbledygook
Club(s) CSO, Eureka! (as members)

Happens to know a bit of coding; known among close TAMS students as that weird person who copy-pastes clusters of "gobbledygook", or enigmatically-phrased Chinese on political topics, in discord servers.

He plays Among Us, Kerbal Space Program, and is hoping to get his hands on Nimby Rails whenever his equipments will allow him to do so.

Motion Pictures

Through various capacities, Zhuoli has expressed interest in a variety of motion picture series, although the majority of which are generally not pondered upon by TAMS students.

Notable examples include:

  • Yes, Minister
  • Yes, Prime Minister
  • House of Cards
  • Scissor Seven
  • The Greed of Man


"I have only gratitute towards the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science"----an example of a mutation of one such enigmatically phrased political content, except sincerely meant in this case.


"SandyCreek", "PineCreek", "EggplantCreek", "StoneCreek", "DragonCreek", "Los Creeks", etc. ---- currently, only "SandyCreek" is used often.

"B-1168" ---- used often.