Computer Science Organization

From TAMS Wiki
Revision as of 20:00, 4 February 2021 by Jeongwoo (talk | contribs) (Expanded execs and updated committee active years)
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The TAMS Computer Science Organization (CSO) covers all things computer science. Competes at competitions, runs workshops, and organizes hackTAMS.

Their website can be found at



hackTAMS is a hackathon organized by CSO. This event originally only allowed TAMS students to participate but has grown to become the largest free high school hackathon in DFW.


Unlike other clubs, CSO did not have many committees until 2020-2021. Each committee specializes in a specific niche of computer science or focuses on community service.

All committees
Committee Active
API Masters 2020-Present
Cybersecurity 2020-Present
Code-Ed ????-2020
Girls Who Code 2020-2021
Good Samaritans ????-2020
Hardware 2020-2021
Missing Maps 2020-Present
Open Source 2020-Present
PC2Prosper ????-2019
Tech-Ed 2020-Present
USACO 2020-Present
Web Dev 2020-2021

Previous execs


President - Ben Wang

Competitions Director - Anthony Zhou

Secretary - Michael Zhao

Treasurer - Pranoy Dutta

Volunteering Director - Jeongwoo Choi


President - Ben Sun

Competitions Coordinator - Ben Taylor

Volunteering Coordinator - Connie Wang

Treasurer - Eric Zhang


President - Manasi Ramadurgum

Competitions Coordinator - Ryan Chhong

Volunteering Coordinator - Samuel Liu

Publicist/Graphic Designer - Justin Cho


President - Rick ZhangHackathon Coordinator - Thomas HobohmHackathon Coordinator - Justin WeiCompetitions Coach - Karthik NairCompetitions Coach - Garrett GuCompetitions Coach - Andrew Li


Club Coordinator - Nathan ContrerasHackathon Coordinator - Dylan MacalinaoHackathon Coach - Nimit KalraCompetitions Coordinator - David YuanCompetitions Coach - Jagath Vytheeswaran
