Allen Mann

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Revision as of 22:46, 8 November 2023 by (talk) (Added more details on Dr. Mann)
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"big boy mann n n n n."

Allen Mann
Mann Allen.jpg
Title Senior Lecturer
Frequently taught courses MATH 1710
Office GAB 432

—Jeongwoo, Former TAMS Student

A mathematics professor at UNT, Dr. Allen Mann can be found teaching a variety of TAMS-adjacent courses, from Calculus I to Statistics. Frequently seen wearing his cowboy hat and packing heat (with his gun and his other areas), he's a unique figure to behold. He's a strict man in class, but a really chill and helpful dude in his office hours.

Word of advice: Don't miss your classes with him, he WILL report you to admin.

Also, on rare occasions he can be seen roaming around Bruce Cafeteria at certain times in the day. DO NOT APPROACH!!!!! He will start a conversation with you, whether you like it or not. I still have shivers down my spine when I think about the one time I was caught by him...