TAMS Wiki:Finances

From TAMS Wiki
Revision as of 23:41, 2 June 2022 by Jeongwoo (talk | contribs) (added aws bill for may 2022)
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If you are inclined, this page provides you with information on how to help fund the server and domain costs associated with TAMS Wiki. Currently, Venmo and Paypal are the only forms of payment acceptable. When making a donation, please indicate as such.

Venmo: @JeongwooChoi


In the table below, you can see the expenditure(s) per month. Up until 2021-09, TAMS Wiki was running on the free tier of AWS. Up until 2022-05, I (Jeongwoo) have personally funded the Wiki. Afterwards, the expenditures will be added to the balance. If you have any questions regarding budget for the TAMS Wiki, please feel to contact me via the TAMS Wiki email (admin@tamswiki.org).

Date Amount Notes Balance
2022-06-02 -$10.27 AWS usage bill for 2022-05 -$20.24
2022-05 -$9.97 AWS usage bill for 2022-04 -$9.97
2022-04 $10.26 AWS usage bill for 2022-03 $0.00
2022-03 $9.38 AWS usage bill for 2022-02 $0.00
2022-02 $10.27


AWS usage bill for 2022-01

tamswiki.org domain cost

2022-01 $10.27 AWS usage bill for 2021-12 $0.00
2021-12 $10.08 AWS usage bill for 2021-11 $0.00
2021-11 $10.37 AWS usage bill for 2021-10 $0.00
2021-10 $10.08 AWS free tier trial ends. AWS usage bill for 2021-09 $0.00
2021-09 $0.00 $0.00
2021-08 $0.00 $0.00
2021-07 $0.00 $0.00
2021-06 $0.00 $0.00
2021-05 $0.00 $0.00
2021-04 $0.00 $0.00
2021-03 $9.06 tamswiki.com domain cost $0.00
2021-02 $9.36 tamswiki.org domain cost $0.00