Zachary Li

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Zachary Li
Education(s) New York University
Known for artificial intelligence
Class of 2023
Track General Science and Mathematics
Club(s) Ballot, Artificial Intelligence Society
Roommate(s) Kevin Zheng
Senior Quote "Democracy is great when it agrees with me."

Zachary Christopher Li (also known as terrablader11) is most known for literally being a computer science student while unironically being in traditional science. During his time at TAMS, he also garnered the reputation of being the only person that "actually tries" and "goes to class," especially among his friends. He will soon become Brian Dennis Shen's roommate at NYU.

Corrupt Politician

Main Articles: List of UNT Student Senators from TAMS, 2022 UNT Student Senate Election at TAMS

Zachary was elected as one of the two UNT Student Government Association (SGA) Senators for TAMS. He succeeds Ted Kwee-Bintoro as senator.