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Revision as of 09:38, 7 February 2021 by Jeongwoo (talk | contribs) (added links)
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There are countless traditions here at TAMS, and by creating this page, we're counting on future generations to keep them alive. Don't fail us.

  • "Hit me"
  • Running to seminar so that Gruver doesn't yell at you
  • Texas Academy of Misplaced Stuff
  • TAMS W's / TAMS L's. Or as I like to call it, The Duality of Man
  • After curfew food (brought to you by none other than TCS, or TAMS Culinary Society)
  • Free food at the front desk
    • Typically, this includes leftover food from school-wide events
  • Cramming onto the D-Park bus
    • Which is especially unfortunate for the sad, sad CS track people during the hot, hot summers
  • Abi Kumar's post-bio cookies (2019-2020)
  • Running to CVS
  • TAMS Vans
  • Walmart / Razor Ranch / Sharetea runs
  • Eating at the Taste, Oriental Garden (OG), Chipotle, or Denton Square for celebrations. Or just because you're sick and tired of eating the same dining hall food for weeks straight.
  • Hanging out in the A200 wifi corner after curfew
  • Flocking to Bruce for breakfast after 8 AM bio
  • Bruce Waffle Wednesdays
  • Bruce's birthday celebrations every Wednesday
    • And consequently, cake every Wednesday
  • Halloween
    • Free Insomnia Cookies
    • Discounted Chipotle
    • Wing trick-or-treating
    • Bruce Haunted House
  • After curfew food runs with wing
  • Wing shirts
  • Sleepovers in that friend's room that has a rug
    • Sleeping in a friend's room because neighbors are too loud
  • Realizing that you forgot your ID when it's lunchtime and sneaking into dining halls by "borrowing" a friend's ID
  • Card swipes (and frantically telling friends that Melissa is standing threateningly at the entrance with the menacing black box and laptop in her hands)
  • Watching movies with friends at the Business Leadership Building over the weekend
  • Tabling and buying things even though we're all broke
  • Wall of Salt
  • Exec season
    • Bribing friends with printers to print your exec apps because they're due at 11:59 PM but curfew is at 11:00 PM and the computer lab closes at 11:00 PM