Visual Arts and Design Track

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The TAMS Visual Arts and Design Track provides students with a strong background for the creative arts fields. Students take courses in drawing, design, art appreciation, and art history while taking advantage of the latest technologies in UNT’s newly renovated Art Building and having access to several on-campus galleries and art institutes. Students continuing on to pursue a degree within the College of Visual Arts and Design go into careers as photographers, museum curators, graphic and user-experience designers, illustrators, art educators and historians, and fashion and interior designers.

Course Sequence

Fall 1 Spring 1
MATH 1650 or 1710 5/4 hours MATH 1710 or 1720 4/3 hours
BIOL 1710/1711 & 1760/1761

OR CHEM 1410/1413 & 1430

5 hours

OR 4 hours

BIOL 1720/1721

OR CHEM 1420/1423 & 1440

3 hours

OR 4 hours

ENGL 1315 3 hours ENGL 1325 3 hours
ART 1600 3 hours ART 1700 3 hours
ART 1301 3 hours
Fall 2 Spring 2
PHYS 1710, 1730 4 hours PSCI 2305 or 2306 3 hours
MATH 1720 or CSCE 1030 or

CNET 2300 or ENGR 1304

3/4 hours CSCE 1030 or CSCE 1040 or

CNET 2300 or ENGR 1304

3/4 hours
HIST 2610/2620 3 hours HIST 2610/2620 3 hours
ART 1800 3 hours ART 1900 3 hours
ENGL 2xxx-4xxx (Literature) 3 hours ENGL 2xxx-4xxx (Literature) 3 hours

See also