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Sample Schedule
Sample schedule of a first semester TAMS student from Fall 2020

Academics are important. Don't fail your classes (or you get the boot from TAMS). Listed below are common courses which TAMS students take. However, TAMS students are allowed to take any UNT Course listed on the UNT Catalog as long as the student meets the course's pre-requisites. In addition, TAMS students cannot exceed 19 credit hours.

As for how much is 19 credit hours, it depends on the courses and the student taking them. While some students do take 19 hours at some point attending TAMS, it is not required nor recommended. For reference, most college students take 4-5 courses which equates to roughly 12-16 credit hours.


Biology is perhaps the most painful course a TAMS junior can take. But don't worry—good things come to those who wait, and good thing = second semester bio.

BIOL 1710

Biology for Science Majors I. If schedules conflict with honors biology, students are allowed to enroll in general biology. This exception mainly applies to Music track students.

BIOL 1711

Honors Biology for Science Majors I. Sadboi moments with Daddy Dane Alligator Man Crossley. Tests are straightforward, but chances are, you will stumble across the occasional typo every other question (or every question, depending on his mood that day). Lectures are rather … hm. The textbook is not fun to read, unless you're a nerd. May the luck be with you.

BIOL 1760

Biology for Science Majors II. If schedules conflict with honors biology, students are allowed to enroll in general biology lab. This exception mainly applies to Music track students.

BIOL 1761

Honors Biology for Science Majors Laboratory. Typically taken with Bio I during first semester of junior year. Your experience honestly depends on your luck with getting good TAs. May the luck be with you.

BIOL 1722

Honors Biology for Science Majors II. Happieboi moments with the Jaguar (Jagadeeswaran) and Knee Oh Gee (Neogi). Jag teaches about animals, humans, and sex. Neogi teaches about plants, the environment, and how humans are ruining it. The luck will likely be with you.

BIOL 2301

Human Anatomy and Physiology I.

BIOL 2302

Human Anatomy and Physiology II.


Most first year TAMS students take two semesters of chemistry plus a laboratory. A student can place into honors chemistry based on their performance on the chemistry placement test taken during summer orientation. Students who miss the placement test will be automatically placed in general chemistry.

CHEM 1410

General Chemistry I. If you place into general chemistry, you will take a chemistry section with UNT students. The majority consensus is that general chemistry has a lot more busy work and can be harder than honors chemistry (cough cough ALEKS and SmartBooks cough cough). Most TAMS students take Dr. McAfee for General Chemistry I. However, some other professors first semester students take include Zhang, Kinyanjui, and Petros.

CHEM 1413

Honors Chemistry I. acree moments

CHEM 1420

General Chemistry II. This class is amazing with Kelber.

CHEM 1423

Honors Chemistry II. acree moments 2 electric boogaloo

CHEM 1430

Laboratory Sequence for General Chemistry. Lab corequisite for CHEM 1410 and 1413. General consensus: sometimes tedious, but overall not too bad

CHEM 1440

Laboratory Sequence for General Chemistry (again). Lab corequisite for CHEM 1420 and 1423. General consensus is more or less the same as that of CHEM 1430.

CHEM 2730

Organic Chemistry (OChem). Organic chemistry is just naming carbons and realizing how carbons flirt with each other. Notoriously difficult, but many TAMS students opt to take this course because it is easier at UNT compared to its big brothers.

CSCE (and related disciplines)

First Year CSCE Courses

CSCE 1030

Computer Science I. Computer Science I teaches the basic fundamentals of C and C++ including variables, conditional statements, loops, arrays, functions, file streams, structs, pointers and input/output formatting. Think of it as AP CSA but in C/C++ with memory allocation mixed in. This course was taught by Dr. Pradhumna Shrestha during the fall semester of the 2020-2021 school year.

CSCE 1035

Computer Programming I. A computer science course instructed in Python, and required for the B.S. in Cybersecurity degree. Originally intended as an option alongside CSCE 1030 for Class of 2022 students during Fall 2020, this plan was not materialized due to schedule conflicts and insufficient interest.

CSCE 1040

Mermaid Man (left). Not to be confused with Dr. David Keathly (right).

Computer Science II. Computer Science II teaches object oriented programming by expanding on more C++ concepts including objects and classes, pointers and classes, C++ Standard Template Library (mainly focuses on vectors), recursion, and inheritance. Taught by Dr. David Mark Keathly, who does not know how to wear a mask. Notorious for long, tedious projects. Similar to BIOL 1711, the quality and tendency of grading of the TA substantially influence your performance and experience.

CSCE 1045

Computer Programming II. Continuation of CSCE 1035, instructed in C++. Includes "obgekt oreeentid prougramyng" like CSCE 1040. Since plans to offer CSCE 1035 was not materialized for Class of 2022, this class is not offered for Spring 2021.

Second Year CSCE Courses

CSCE 2100

Foundations of Computing. A theoretical class, this class sometimes can serve as possible prerequisite options alongside MATH 2000, discrete math. Often considered to be a watered-down version of discrete math.

CSCE 2110

Foundations of Data Structures. Apply everything from CSCE 2100 and code it.

CSCE Related Courses

INFO 3010

Introduction to Data Science. This course is taught in R and is project based meaning that there are no tests. It covers the entirety of data science including how to gather, parse, analyze, graph, and interpret data. As of Fall 2020, this class was instructed by Dr. Lingzi Hong.

INFO 3020

Introduction to Computation with Python. Basics of Python course from variables to data types (dictionary, list, tuple) and object-oriented programming. If you would like to learn the computer science basics, then this is the course for you to take as an elective. This course is taught by Heejun Kim.

LTEC 3000

Learning Technologies in STEM. This class is largely composed of busy work. Not an easy A despite being composed of busy work. This is a course to avoid.

BCIS 3620/3690

Mainframe Concepts/Advanced Mainframe Concepts. This class teaches IBM Mainframe, COBOL, JCL, etc. The content is alright but the professors (Guynes & Hardy) tell amazing stories. Unfortunately, Guynes is retiring after Spring 2021.


First Year ENGL Courses

ENGL 1315

Writing about Literature I. ENGL 1315 is taken first semester. Current instructors include Dr. Anne Schoolfield, Professor Joshua Ibarra, and Dr. Mariah Steele. Previous instructors include Professor Jack Christian. The class covers poetry and plays. Required texts differ among professors, but can include:

  • The Lady's not for Burning by Christopher Fry
  • Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
  • Arcadia by Tom Stoppard
  • Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht

as well as various poems, which may include the works of May Sarton, Williams Wordsworth, Gwendolyn Brooks, David Salner, Ovid, or Robert Frost.

ENGL 1325

Writing about Literature II. ENGL 1315 2: Electric Boogaloo is taught by the same professors as ENGL 1315. However, unlike with math classes, you are able to switch professors. The class covers science fiction and prose. Required texts differ among professors, but can include

  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  • The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu
  • A Canticle For Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.
  • Kindred by Octavia Butler

as well as various short stories, which may include:

  • "Rappaccini's Daughter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • "The Hell of Mirrors" by Edogawa Ranpo
  • "The Nine Billion Names of God" by Arthur C. Clarke
  • "Eyes of Dust" by Harlan Ellison
  • "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut
  • "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury

General Second Year ENGL Courses

During a student's second year at TAMS, they have to take two semesters of literature. Professors in second-year ENGL courses vary from year to year and their content is different from other professors. For the Class of 2023, students will be required to take specific English courses stated in the track course requirements rather than having the option to choose any literature course.

ENGL 2321

British Literature. Bri'ish "people" are disgustang.

ENGL 2326

American Literature. Murica People readings and stuff.

ENGL 2331

World Literature. Literature from the world.

ENGL 2341

Forms of Literature. Literature comes in different forms and stuff like square.

ENGL 2351

Mexican American Literature. Una clase de literatura con escritos de los Mexicanos en los Estados Unidos. (Not offered in the Fall 2021 semester)

Other Second Year ENGL Courses

After a student takes their required general literature course, they are allowed to take any literature course that is not in the list above (ENGL 2XXX - 4XXX).

  • The full list of English courses that can be taken can be found here.

ENGL 4410

Chaucer, taught by Dr. Nicole D. Smith. In this class, you read and analyze Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales section by section. Has tests (relatively easy), discussions, mini-quizzes (easy), and a good bit of reading Middle English. However, you can get through this class reading the Modern English version of the Tales, if you're uncool like that. The best advantage of this class is its mono-focus on a specific book, which leads it to being very predictable.

ENGL 4610

Children’s and Young Adult Literature. How to analyze Dr. Seuss

ENGL 4620

Literature and Film. Watching books.

ENGL 4660

Literature and the Holocaust. A history class analyzing the literature about the Holocaust. Taught by Dr. Deb Armintor in the fall semester and Dr. Cindy K. Renker in the spring semester.

ENGL 4680

Game Narratives as Literature. The course is taught by Dr. Marshall Needleman Armintor. The purpose of this course is to examine the concept of narrative in video games—from all eras and genres—to show how the familiar questions of structure, cultural critique, and (especially) intertextuality commonly applied to literature and film can be extended to games and the gaming ethos. Yes, this is for you, you gamer.


During your second year at TAMS, you will take two semesters of U.S. history. Common history professors TAMS students take include Dr. J. L. Tomlin, Dr. Kerry L. Goldmann, and Dr. Courtney Welch.

HIST 2610

United States History to 1865. The Americas, Early Imperialism, British Colonization, 13 Colonies, Atlantic Slave Trade, The American Revolution, Confederation, Constitution, Jacksonian Era, Manifest Destiny, Mexican-American War, Abraham Lincoln, Abolition, and the Civil War.

HIST 2620

United States History since 1865. Reconstruction, The Gilded Age, The Progressive Era, Imperialism, World Power, Diplomacy of WWI, Roaring Twenties, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, WWII, Cold War, The Rights Revolution, and Reagan and beyond.


When a student is admitted to TAMS, they will start with Pre-Cal (MATH 1650). However, a student can place into higher level math based on their performance on the pre-calculus placement test taken during summer orientation. Students who miss the placement test will be automatically placed in pre-calculus.

If a student has

  • an SAT math score 750+ OR ACT composite score of 32+ with a 34+ in the math section


  • a 5 on the AP Calculus exam (AB/BC),

they may enroll in Calculus I with permission from TAMS.

Note: If you place into MATH 1650 or 1710 in your first TAMS semester, the math professor you take will be the same for your second semester. For example, if you take Mann first semester for Cal I, you will have him again second semester for Cal II or if you have Brozovic for Pre-Calculus first semester, you will take him again second semester for Cal I.

Required for all Students

MATH 1650

Pre-calculus. Taught by Dr. Nirmala Naresh, Dr. Joe Iaia, and Dr. Doug Brozovic for the fall semester of the 2020-2021 school year. Often considered to be more difficult than high school pre-calculus. For the fall semester of the 2021-2022 school year, Dr. Helen Elwood will be teaching pre-calculus instead of Dr. Nirmala Naresh.[1]

MATH 1710

Calculus 1. Covers limits and continuity, derivatives and integrals; differentiation and integration of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, and algebraic functions; applications, including slope, velocity, extrema, area, volume and work. Taught by Dr. Allen Mann and Dr. William Cherry for the 2020 and 2021 fall semester.

MATH 1720

Calculus 2. Covers differentiation and integration of exponential, logarithmic and transcendental functions; integration techniques; indeterminate forms; improper integrals; area and arc length in polar coordinates; infinite series; power series; Taylor's theorem. This course was taught by Dr. Matthew Dulock for the 2020 fall semester and will be taught by Dr. Kiko Kawamura for the 2021 fall semester.[1]

Commonly Taken

MATH 2000

discreeet.. fishmen..

MATH 2700

Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry. AKA matrix math. Learning how to solve and manipulate systems of linear equations and apply it to real life situations. Just like your SAT system of equations but then the equations do not play nice and you get all sad. The first unit covers what happens when the system has a solution and the last 3 units cover what happens when the system does not have a happy solution along with some other theorems and techniques. Some things covered are vector operations, Gaussian elimination, determinants, change of basis, Gram-Schmidt process, eigenvectors, and diagonalization. This course is offered with options of synchronous and asynchronous instruction for Fall 2020 & Spring 2021; in the latter case, you simply watch videos and do your work. As of Spring 2021, this class is instructed by Dr. Helen J. Elwood. For the 2021-2022 school year, there are plans to offer honors sections of this course.

MATH 2730

Multivariable Calculus (Calculus 3). Covers vectors and analytic geometry in 3-space; partial and directional derivatives; extrema; double and triple integrals and applications; cylindrical and spherical coordinates. If you take MATH 1720 in fall of your junior year, you will be required to take this class in spring. Taught remotely by Prof. Dillon Hanson.

As of March 16th, 2021, non-finalized schedule for Fall 2021 suggests that in-person instructors for this course include Dr. Matthew Dulock, Dr. Vanessa Reams and Dr. Nicolae Anghel.

Advanced Courses

MATH 3000

real anal. its hard

MATH 3010

Seminar in Problem-Solving Techniques A 1-hour math course only offered in fall semesters, often taken by students interested in the Putnam Competition. Includes "binomial coefficients, elementary number theory, Euclidean geometry, properties of polynomials and calculus". In Fall 2020, this class was co-instructed by Dr. Joseph Iaia and Dr. Pieter Aallart.

MATH 3400

number theory

MATH 3410

Differential Equations I. You solve differential equations using a box full of tools and methods. Good calculus and algebra fundamentals recommended. This course resembles more of calculus 2 than calculus 1 or 3 so be prepared.

MATH 3420

diffeq 2. fun but fast-moving and difficult class

MATH 3510

Abstract Algebra I. This class mainly covers the study of groups, fields, and rings. Some of the notable topics include: permutation groups, dihedral groups, cyclic groups, alternating groups, left and right cosets, LaGrange's Theorem, finitely generated abelian groups, homomorphisms, factor groups, rings, fields, and Fermat's Theorem.

MATH 3680

applyed statisticks

MATH 4520

complex anal

MATH 4610

probability 😎

MATH 4810

Biocomputing. Easily the best math class since you have no mandatory prerequisite according to the UNT Catalog and no math is done in the class.

Instead you just learn biology, computer science, and how to present papers.


During a student's second year at TAMS, they will take two semesters of physics. Most people start with PHYS 1710 and 1730, but if a student scored a 5 on both AP Physics C exams including mechanics and electricity and magnetism, they can enroll in modern physics (PHYS 3010 and Lab: PHYS 3030) their fall semester and quantum mechanics (PHYS 4310) their spring semester.

PHYS 1710

Kinematics with calculus. If you took AP Physics 1 or C then this will be familiar territory.

PHYS 1730

physics 1 lab

PHYS 2220

Electromagnetism. If you took AP Physics C then this will also be familiar territory.

PHYS 2240

physics 2 lab

PHYS 3010

Modern Physics. Special class #1 for 1 special kid.

PHYS 3030

Modern Physics Lab. This is the lab for PHYS 3010.

PHYS 4310

Quantuum mekaniks. If PHYS 3010 is opened up to more students in the future years this class will become accessible to some during their time at TAMS. It requires a student to take both PHYS 3010 and 3030 in addition to MATH 3410 prior to enrollment. Special class #2 for 1 special kid.


Second year TAMS students are required to take one semester of government. They have the option to take American Government (PSCI 2305) or State Government (PSCI 2306).

PSCI 2305

US Political Behavior and Policy. Taught by Prof. Meaders and Dr. Greig.

PSCI 2306

US and Texas Constitutions and Institutions.


Technical writing. Required for certain tracks for the class of 2023 and onwards.


Unless otherwise noted, all references to "GPA" are for the cumulative GPA.

Starting at your 2nd semester, you are able to take electives as long as you meet the GPA requirement, and your total class load does not exceed 19 hours in total.

2nd and 3rd semester students with GPA higher than 3.25 (requires confirmation) may take 1 elective course of up to 3 credit hours (labs and recitation for such electives are not included) and 1 elective of either "research" or 1 credit hour.

4th semester students with GPA higher than 3.75 may take up to 2 elective courses of up to 3 credit hours each.

In all circumstances, the 19-hour cap must be observed.

In pre-pandemic conditions, 1-hour electives are generally physical education or non-music major music; such courses become rather obscure in remote learning, but demand is expected to pull up upon returning to campus physically.

Research courses usually appear in forms like "XXXX 2900 - Introduction to [discipline] Research" and "XXXX 4900 - Special Problems" (where XXXX denotes the 4-letter class code the field of study uses in the UNT Catalog). They can be of more than 1 credit hour, unlike an 1-credit hour elective you may otherwise take (wink wink GPA boost). As "research" courses, they serve the role of "recording your mentored research in your transcript" to a certain degree, so you generally have your research mentor as the instructor.

Some common electives that TAMS students take include:

  • BIOL 2301 and BIOL 2311 (Lab): Human Anatomy and Physiology I1
  • CHEM 2730 and CHEM 3210 (Lab): Organic Chemistry1
  • MATH 2000: Discrete Math
  • MATH 2700: Linear Algebra
  • MATH 3680: Applied Statistics
  • ECON 1100: Microeconomics
  • ECON 1110: Macroeconomics
  • PSYC 1630: General Psychology I
  • PSYC 1650: General Psychology II
  • Foreign languages: Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Latin, Arabic, Russian, Italian
    • The World Languages department offers a placement exam, allowing up to 12 credit hours in a foreign language to be obtained (1010 - 2050). Generally, about 10 testing times will be open over the course of the semester for commonly chosen foreign languages.

Note: CHEM 2730, in addition to 3 credit hours of instruction, has 1 credit hour of recitation, 1 credit hour of lab and 1 credit hour of lab recitation. It is usually discouraged to take this course in 3rd semester given the extremely dreading college season.

  • Usually taken by Traditional Science Students

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