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Ben Taylor is a TAMS graduate in the Class of 2020. He enjoys attending hackathons, flying, and jumping in the water fountain. His senior quote was "There is no right or wrong, only fun and boring"{{Infobox person|name=Ben Taylor|home_town=Texas}}
Ben Taylor is a TAMS graduate in the Class of 2020. He enjoys attending hackathons, flying, and jumping in the water fountain. His senior quote was "There is no right or wrong, only fun and boring"{{Infobox person|name=Ben Taylor|home_town=Texas}}
[[Category:Class of 2020]]
[[Category:Class of 2020]]
{{Infobox club|title=CSO|Image=https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/116002210_590602844976744_5360796255326646715_o.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=2&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=F3Oudy2N6OIAX-QgeXj&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&tp=7&oh=2865845429e557428311ca65ea7eb7c4&oe=6042AE4B}}

Revision as of 14:49, 5 February 2021

Ben Taylor is a TAMS graduate in the Class of 2020. He enjoys attending hackathons, flying, and jumping in the water fountain. His senior quote was "There is no right or wrong, only fun and boring"Template:Infobox person Template:Infobox club