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Revision as of 18:57, 22 February 2024

On the last week of school, the A100 seniors of the class of 2023 were devising their grand senior prank. Many ideas floated around such as "Piss Wars". A bathroom oriented competition to see which student can piss the best in a toilet. That idea was later scrapped due to how messy and disgusting it could be

Instead the Seniors agreed on playing Human Dominoes, the night before their graduation. The plan was to take out the mattresses from their rooms, line them up in the hallway with a student in between. It sounds incredibly fun and dumb. Unfortunately there were many problems with that plan

On the night before their graduation approximately 2:00AM, the seniors started to enact their plan and had almost the entire A100 wing onboard. Mattresses were gathered left and right from all the room of A100. The front desk clerk started getting phone calls about noise from the 1st floor all from the third floor of the building. The "human dominoes" only proceeded for a few minutes before the 2 RAs who lived in the hall started shouting at all the seniors from both ends of the hallway to get back into their rooms. Due to the amount of students invovled, the RAs could not document everyone and because it was the night before graduation. All the Seniors could not be expelled.

However due to the fact the two RA's involved had final exams early in the morning. The entire A100 felt bad and were reminded of so by a lecture by Ben Warren on the day of graduation. Afterwards it was agreed upon, they should have done the prank on a different date and possibly during the day to not disturb anyone.