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[[Phoebe Han|'''Phoebe''']]: Hello everyone! I would be surprised if you have read until now, but it will prove very helpful in the near future. The TAMS experience as a whole is so special and unique, so much different than I would have ever expected. Honestly, it is up to you how you wish to spend the next two years at TAMS, but I strongly encourage you to get involved and make the most of all TAMS has to offer, including clubs, events, volunteering, etc. Student life is a very large part of the TAMS experience, and I would argue it makes it a thousand times better and more enjoyable. One lesson I learned is to try new things. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone because you never know what you might discover. At TAMS, you will meet so many amazing people, learn so much about yourself, and be introduced to new experiences. Finally, these next two years will fly by; cherish every moment, seize every opportunity, and enjoy it while it lasts. You are not alone in this journey, and PLEASE don’t be scared to ask for help before it is too late. I am excited for all that this year has to offer and hope you all have the best TAMS experience <33
[[Phoebe Han|'''Phoebe''']]: Hello everyone! I would be surprised if you have read until now, but it will prove very helpful in the near future. The TAMS experience as a whole is so special and unique, so much different than I would have ever expected. Honestly, it is up to you how you wish to spend the next two years at TAMS, but I strongly encourage you to get involved and make the most of all TAMS has to offer, including clubs, events, volunteering, etc. Student life is a very large part of the TAMS experience, and I would argue it makes it a thousand times better and more enjoyable. One lesson I learned is to try new things. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone because you never know what you might discover. At TAMS, you will meet so many amazing people, learn so much about yourself, and be introduced to new experiences. Finally, these next two years will fly by; cherish every moment, seize every opportunity, and enjoy it while it lasts. You are not alone in this journey, and PLEASE don’t be scared to ask for help before it is too late. I am excited for all that this year has to offer and hope you all have the best TAMS experience <33
'''[[Laura]]''': Hello!! I'm super excited to get to see everyone in the fall, and I can't wait to get to know y'all! I'd like to tell you that perseverance is probably the most important thing I learned this past year. It's fine if you do poorly during your first round of exams; everyone feels that way and goes through that. TAMS is so unique in that there's so many different resources, so I strongly encourage you to use them! Go to office hours, UNT learning centers, and most importantly don't feel intimidated by the course work. I found going to office hours the most helpful thing in my academic career here. Professors really want you to understand the material and are incredibly patient with explaining concepts. I can't wait to meet everyone at McConnell, and I hope y'all have a wonderful school year! Please don't hesitate to reach out!
'''[[Laura Hua|Laura]]''': Hello!! I'm super excited to get to see everyone in the fall, and I can't wait to get to know y'all! I'd like to tell you that perseverance is probably the most important thing I learned this past year. It's fine if you do poorly during your first round of exams; everyone feels that way and goes through that. TAMS is so unique in that there's so many different resources, so I strongly encourage you to use them! Go to office hours, UNT learning centers, and most importantly don't feel intimidated by the course work. I found going to office hours the most helpful thing in my academic career here. Professors really want you to understand the material and are incredibly patient with explaining concepts. I can't wait to meet everyone at McConnell, and I hope y'all have a wonderful school year! Please don't hesitate to reach out!
'''[[Madison Huang|Madison]]''': Hello Juniors!! I’m sure that all of you are overwhelmed by this 35 page guide on the tips to succeeding and building a social life at TAMS, but trust me when I say that there really isn’t a singular formula to enjoying the experience at TAMS. Take things one day at a time: whether it be studying for an upcoming test in your room or organizing an event for a club, the whole TAMS journey was made so that you can strive to become a better and more independent person. I remember coming into TAMS full of nerves and excitement at stepping into this completely new environment, but after the first few weeks of meeting new friends, building relationships and delving into the various opportunities in TAMS, this place felt like a home away from home. One thing that I believe sets TAMS apart from any regular high school is how passionate the student life community is at TAMS, so make sure to take advantage of this tightly-knit community by stepping out of your comfort zone and joining new clubs and organizations! I can’t express how excited I am for all of you guys to be part of this TAMS community, I hope we can all make your experience a great one!
'''[[Madison Huang|Madison]]''': Hello Juniors!! I’m sure that all of you are overwhelmed by this 35 page guide on the tips to succeeding and building a social life at TAMS, but trust me when I say that there really isn’t a singular formula to enjoying the experience at TAMS. Take things one day at a time: whether it be studying for an upcoming test in your room or organizing an event for a club, the whole TAMS journey was made so that you can strive to become a better and more independent person. I remember coming into TAMS full of nerves and excitement at stepping into this completely new environment, but after the first few weeks of meeting new friends, building relationships and delving into the various opportunities in TAMS, this place felt like a home away from home. One thing that I believe sets TAMS apart from any regular high school is how passionate the student life community is at TAMS, so make sure to take advantage of this tightly-knit community by stepping out of your comfort zone and joining new clubs and organizations! I can’t express how excited I am for all of you guys to be part of this TAMS community, I hope we can all make your experience a great one!

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