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[[Chance Townsend]], [[Mayur Pabba]], [[Abhijeet Bendapudi]], [[Evan Carlisle]], [[Tara Roshan]], [[Ellie Rose Mattoon]]

Revision as of 02:42, 12 February 2021

Ballot Image.jpg
Topic(s) MUN, Speech and Debate, Politics
Active Years 2018 - Present
Advised Yes
Execs President: Yashvini Deva

Director of Competitions: Daniel Li

Director of Events: Sriya Sadhu

Director of Logistics: Jalini Balasubramaniam

Director of Outreach: Abi Kumar
Event(s) TEDxYouth @ TAMS, SciMUN
Facebook Link
Email ballot.tams@gmail.com

Ballot is a TAMS club dedicated to bringing Model UN, speech, debate, and political awareness to the TAMS community. We give students a stage to share their passions in TEDxtalks, connect science with politics at SciMUN, and work with UNT's Model International Organization (MIO) to organize the annual Model Arab League (MAL), and help students compete at competitions through our Speech and Debate teams. Our goal is to help students develop skills in logical thinking, public speaking, and civic discourse which will empower them to be informed and capable leaders of the future in any career.


TEDxYouth @ TAMS is a TEDxYouth event hosted at TAMS.

SciMUN is a yearly Model United Nations conference at TAMS.

Ballot regularly hosts Middle Ground GAs, in which a contentious topic is debated. Participants take a stance on the issue, and attempt to seek middle ground with the opposing side (hence the name).


Central Texas MUN (CTMUN)

Fall 2020

The University of Texas at Austin hosted CTMUN 2020 virtually through November 6-8, 2020. The following TAMS students participated:

General Assembly Plenary


The Bangladesh Awami League

Summer 2020

For the first time in its history, the University of Texas at Austin hosted its first virtual conference on July 21, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following TAMS students participated:

General Assembly

Group of 20 (G20)

2020 Papal Enclave

Dallas Area MUN (DAMUN)


DAMUN XI occurred virtually on January 23rd, 2021. Unfortunately, TAMS did not participate this year.


DAMUN X occurred on October 14th, 2019. The following TAMS students participated:

Human Rights Council

World Health Organisation


Security Council

Historical Security Council

Arab League

General Assembly

North Texas High School Model Arab League (NTHSMAL)

Citizen Bee



Shout! is a Ballot committee dedicated to fostering political activism and participation in civic duties at TAMS. This committee aids students who wish to exercise their political rights by registering them to vote and providing transportation to the polls during national and state-wide elections. We will also be covering debates and news during elections through watch parties and this page.

Committee Heads Years
Temi Akinyoade 2020-2021
Mihir Khare

Speech & Debate

We are excited to be working under Ballot this year to make speech and debate at TAMS more convenient and successful than ever before. Throughout this year, we plan to compete at tournaments (which will mainly be online the first semester due to COVID) at the local, state, and national level. While participating in speech and debate, you will learn life-long skills, such as how to research, develop logical arguments on the spot, and deliver them effectively. Because Speech and Debate includes a variety of events—from oratory, where you present and 10 minute speech about a topic of your choosing, to Public Forum, where you debate against opponents with the help of a teammate—there is a definitely an event that you will enjoy competing in, so don’t be afraid to try it out!

Speech & Debate participates in IEs, PF, LD, and more!

Committee Heads Years
Jennifer Yu 2020-2021
Saatvik Sunkavalli
Aarti Kotha
Sai Sarnala


The cover page of volume 1 of the Ballot Buzz, published on April 19, 2020.

Ballot publishes the Ballot Buzz, which is a weekly newsletter featuring student-contributed articles on politics.



President: Yashvini Deva

Director of Competitions: Daniel Li

Director of Events: Sriya Sadhu

Director of Logistics: Jalini Balasubramaniam

Director of Outreach: Abi Kumar


Chance Townsend, Mayur Pabba, Abhijeet Bendapudi, Evan Carlisle, Tara Roshan, Ellie Rose Mattoon


President: Cari Reinert

Competitions Coordinator: Tejas Saboo

Education Coordinator: David Yue

Speech and Debate Coordinators: Melanie Che and David Yue

Treasurer: Grace Hu

See also